Join the many local residents who value Mount Airy's history and want to preserve and share it with our families and guests. Whether you have deep local roots or have recently chosen to make Mount Airy your home, come learn, enjoy, explore, and preserve our town's rich heritage by becoming a member of the Historical Society of Mount Airy, Maryland. To become a member of the Historical Society of Mount Airy, please complete the information below in the membership form box and consider paying your membership dues online. Please be sure to check the New box (or uncheck the Renewal box). If you prefer, you can also complete the paper form online, and mail or bring into the museum with your payment.
For current members wishing to renew your membership, you can now do so online by completing the form and checking off the renewal box (uncheck the new box on the form), then paying through the Pay Pal link.
Volunteer Opportunities (Areas of interest where you would enjoy helping)
*Data Entry
*Museum Volunteer
*Museum Exhibits
Please share your area of interest with us in the question/comment section.