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Historical Society of 

Mount Airy, Maryland, Inc.

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

We now have 3 scavenger hunts in the museum: the 5&10 display, the Train Display, and a whole museum hunt. These are primarily designed for kids.  Here are the instructions:

At the Mt. Airy Museum


  1. Complete any of the 3 scavenger hunt checklists at the Museum – the 5&10 display, the Train Display, or the Whole Museum list

  2. Children must be supervised by a responsible adult, as they still may not touch the displays.

  3. Submit to Museum volunteer to receive your prize, and to enter in our quarterly drawing.

  4. For submission into the quarterly drawing, please include name and phone number of child and responsible adult.

  5. Once every quarter – March, June, September, and December – one entry will be drawn for a special prize.


For submission – Pack of stickers

For quarterly drawing – One item from the Gift Shop, no more than $10 value


Carroll County History Day
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